Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well Read..

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So as I'm in my Intro to Literature class today I randomly flip to see this poem called "Swan" by John Hollanders. Never have I seen something so appealing in the form of words. Well I won't say never. But this is very appealing to the eye. Which is probably why the poet choose to do it in this format. What I love about my Intro to Lit Class is that the professor really challenges our minds in asking us questions of why the writer chose to do something a certain way and does it fit in with the story/theme of the piece. I can certainly say my critical thinking skills on poetry and just writing in general has grown. Every time I leave the room each week, my mind spins. In a good way.

Being in that class is also very intimidating. They speak of books and authors how I speak of musical artists and their CD's or a fashion designer and their aesthetic. I've been reading since I was 3 but never like this. I've never had a teacher who really pushed us and challenged our thoughts. They've read more classics than I have. I went to a Cleveland Public School and my English teacher went through some of the classics like most of Shakespeare, some Camus, The Great Gatsby, things of that sort. Looking back, we didn't read that many classics. Even though I'm figuring out that a lot of my class is older than me(which I love), I feel that I need to catch up. So one of my many side projects is to write up a list of classic authors or books that I want to read or think I need to experience. I just recently just changed my major to Creative Writing and I really want to work hard at this. I LOVE words. I say this time and time again to my family and some of the people that I've run across,"If I could travel the world and just write, I would be happy." I have other loves such as fashion, music and just art and creation in general, but if you strip me of everything I am and will always be a writer.

Right now I'm on Catcher in the Rye and I love it. Holden has such a sarcastic manner about him but you can tell that he still has a heart. I'm hoping to find Lolita at the library. I want to read that next.

Off to my oasis, the library.

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